Tomorrow will be the last ride I will be leading out of Winters until next fall. Please note that the start time is 9 AM this time. When I scheduled the ride I thought it might be warmer so I thought we should start earlier, but turns out it’s only going to get up to around 80F. Luckily the winds will be light (~ 5 mph). One advantage of starting earlier is the parking lot should not be as full. As before, Cantelow Rd. is closed on the east side about 0.4 mile from the junction with Steiger Hill, so the long route has been reversed. I have left the short route in the normal, clockwise, direction so that you get most of the climbing on that route done before the rest stop in Vacaville. Consequently, you need to decide before you leave town which route you’re doing because they split right after crossing the bridge when leaving Winters (short goes left and long goes right on Putah Creek Rd.).
The start location is at the northwest corner of the parking lot next to Steady Eddy’s near Railroad Ave. and Abbey St. Hope to see you out there.