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Friday ride to Tree House Cafe in West Sacrsmento
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Like statistics you can always find something to support your desired point. KCRA news says no rain until after noon. Let’s hope they are right. The roads are dry now and the body is water proof. Hope to see you today. 
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Now my weather app says 60% chance of rain at 10 am. I will be at the start and I am hoping we can get the ride in before the rain really starts. My experience is  if  you dress for rain it won’t happen. Only a couple more days to get those Spring Blitz miles in folks. 
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Looking at weather for the Friday ride to the Tree House Cafe and it keeps changing minute by minute. Unless it really storms tonight I will be at Five Points tomorrow ready to ride. There are a couple of coffee detours in Old Sacramento to Steamers or Blueprint Coffee if we feel the Treehouse Cafe might be too wet to sit outside.  We can discuss destination options at the ride start. I will have addresses for these alternative stops at the ride start. I hope to ride since I need the miles for Spring Blitz.

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