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SBH Ride Updates

Upcoming Barrio Rides
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I've just posted three additional Fri. rides from Barrio (South Hills) for this month; two destinations are old standards but the other is one you probably haven't visited for quite some time (if ever).
3/10--Freeport Bakery; 28 miles through East Sac, Oak Park and the Pocket
3/17--Cottage Mart; 24-mile loop to a little East Sac deli with courtyard seating
3/24--Shorty's Cafe; this roughly out-and-back 27-mile route along familiar county roads features a stop at La Amistad Cafe ("Shorty's") in the Clarksburg farmland
  Although we've been to the Bakery and the Mart recently, I haven't stopped by Shorty's in many years so I figured it was time to do it again.
  The route for 3/31 is TBA.
  As always, start time is 9:30, a moderate pace is anticipated and the route is swept.
  Come join us if you have nothing better to do (and even if you do have something better to do, it can probably wait).
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