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HomeRide Safety

Club Safety Guidelines

Our By-laws provide that one of the organization goals is to promote safe cycling. To accomplish this goal we have established Safety Guidelines  for our members and guests to follow and our Safety Committee promotes safe cycling by organizing regular safe cycling training for our members.  

In 2019 we have completed two Safety & Skills Training Classes and we congratulate our 2019 GRADUATES  


December 2019 Safety Tip

Riding in Rain, or after Rain  (or even snow -->)

  1. Be especially cautious when riding on wet or damp pavement, especially lines painted on road surfaces.  Wet pavement/paint is extremely slick and should be avoided whenever possible.
  2. If you must ride on wet pavement, slow down and allow extra space between you and other riders.
  3. Be aware that pavement in tunnels or on bridges may be wetter or icier than normal road surfaces.

Tips from John Mott, Safety Committee


September 2019 Safety Tip

Be prepared for the unexpected!

Set up emergency information on your lock screen.

These instructions are for the Iphone: CLICK ME

This useful article also covers setting up emergency information on Android phones: CLICK ME 

Wear a Road ID: Road ID 


August 2019 Safety Tip

"Sometimes Offense is the Best Defense"

Let vehicles know that it would be safer for you if they changed lanes to go by you!


July 2019 Safety Tip

“Ride in a Group, Think like an Individual.”


This quote is repeated frequently in the training offered by the American League of Bicyclists.  Cyclist have the same rights and responsibilities as motorist, yet the implications of some moves made by cyclists on the road can feel ambiguous. The right decision is not always clear. 


Some safety practices may feel counter-intuitive.

  • Drivers waving a cyclist through
  • Motorists can try to be “helpful” by stopping and motioning cyclists through. Why not take the offering? Sometimes the motorist and the cyclist don’t know what they don’t know.  
  • For example, if there are two lanes at the stop, an unseen driver in the other lane may not be stopping for the cyclist. He may just be taking his turn. His sight line may even be blocked. 
  • Alternatively, a motorist in the lane directly opposite from the “waver” may feel that it is his turn to go and take it. If it not your turn to go, the suggested response is to put both feet on the ground and assertively shake your head no.Occasionally, the driver will insist, which provides an added dilemma. Now you are certain not to know who will go first. Just say NO if it is not your turn and stand your ground.
  • Calling out “Clear” This common practice appears to be a courtesy among cyclists. Why not offer this favor to your fellow cyclists?
  • The danger posed in this practice is the sense of safety assumed by the following rider. Riders in groups may have a tendency to follow the behavior of the cyclist ahead of them. What may appear “clear” to the first rider can quickly become a safety challenge for the second rider. For example: another cyclist comes speeding around a curve or a motorist pulls abruptly out of a driveway.
  • When the first rider is moving forward, the second rider can reasonably assume that the road was safe FOR THAT RIDER but needs to do his own scanning. Again, “Ride in a Group, Think like an Individual.”
  • Turning left early by moving over early into the opposite sidewalk
  • Example: The cycling group is coming up to a left-turn on a 4-lane road which may even have a turn lane.
  • Some cyclists signal and take the turn like a motorist from the correct lane to turn left. 
  • Some cyclists pull to the right curb and wait until the road is clear to cross the street perpendicularly. This is called the box turn.
  • Yet another group merges all the way to the opposite sidewalk when the road is clear, rides the wrong way toward oncoming traffic or on the sidewalk, and then crosses the new route from the wrong side of the road. Traveling against traffic is the #1 cause for collisions with other vehicles and is illegal and unsafe. Riding on the sidewalk, especially going the wrong way, is not recommended.
  • The effect of these multiple choices resembles a disturbed ant hill with riders taking off in a variety of directions.This practice confuses motorists and creates a plethora of diversions which a motorist must consider and evaluate.
  • The solution? The first two options are legal and considered safe. It helps to know what to expect from your fellow riders.Take a mental note of the skill and compliance of fellow riders. Some ride leaders hold discussions before challenging intersection. Having a discussion and establishing a group norm on regular, repeat rides is helpful. 

Safe Cycling is more of an art than a science. Every ride presents new and unexpected challenges – from the motorists, the environment, and fellow cyclists. Modeling safe techniques and cycling in a predictable manner help reduce the variables.

Ride Like the Wind…. Marsha Kilian