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HomeEventsE/31--Barrio to Tree House, West Sac (JP)

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E/31--Barrio to Tree House, West Sac (JP)

About this event

Following essentially the same route as we would to Carol's, we'll do a loop through the Clarksburg area and wend our way north to downtown West Sac and this little corner cafe that features plein air seating amid a variety of fruit trees. Ride starts from the NE corner of the parking lot. Route:
Note: Registration deadline is 12 hours prior to the ride start.

Date and Time

Friday, January 10, 2025, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Barrio (South Hills)
1188 35th Ave
Sacramento, CA  95822

Event Contact(s)



Coffee Ride

Registration Info

Registration is required